Join Mark Attwood and Special Guests from his show for a magical day of healing, enlightenment, music and laughter at a secret location in Manchester, England on Sunday 6th November 2022.
Manchester was also Mark's home for 25 years and the birthplace of his children, so it's an appropriate homecoming.
"Ma" means FIRST LIGHT in Lemurian, so it's also appropriate that MArk is coming back to MAnchester for this MAgical day.
This show is unlike anything you've ever been to before...we'll have incredible healing sessions from Ian Welch, Abby Wynne, and Lucy Davis, amazing esoteric knowledge from Michael Feeley and Alpa Soni, stunning music from Elyse G Rogers and, of course, some poetry and Dad jokes from Mark himself.
We'll start at 10am and finish around 5pm. The venue will remain a secret until closer to the date for obvious reasons. When you purchase a ticket, we will add you to a special email list - make sure you look for an email from and respond to that to make sure you are subscribed and able to get the venue information when we are ready to send it out.
If you are going to stay overnight we recommend East or Central Manchester is best for the venue.
Hot lunch is included in the ticket price - all diets will be accomated for!
Ticket Prices
With a day like this, we think it is worth at least £200, but we don't want anyone to miss out for financial reasons, so we are asking for you to pay whatever feels right/what you can afford above $50 - we have to charge in US$ on this system just because of the way it is set up.
This system is 100% secure.
If you want multiple tickets, please purchase them separately.
As of today (15th August), this is the £/$ ratio (please look it up yourself if you need to):
If you are not familar with all the guests from the show, here are some sample episodes for you:
Abby Wynne is a bestselling author, Shamanic Psychotherapist and Spiritual teacher who has published more than 10 books. She is a powerful catalyst for people’s healing processes. Abby’s core teachings empower people to do their inner work with strength and courage, while creating a structure and foundation to guide them. Abby’s healing practice has many clients from around the world and her website, Abby’s Online Academy, offers self-paced and group lead online programmes that you can take from the comfort of your own home. Abby facilitates monthly group healing sessions where everyone is welcome, and a healing circle with membership benefits.
Alpa Soni is well-known in the "truther" community for being a powerful, compassionate spiritual bad-ass. She is also a profund speaker with deep spiritual insights and knowledge of Ayurvedic practises.
Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer and now ancient Code Breaker and Symbologist who has been referred to as 'The Real DA Vinci Code'... Michael has the answers to the secrets of the ancient world and has the true knowledge of biblical scripture. He is a multiple paranormal experiencer...and what he is about to reveal will change our perception of history...
Lucy Davis is a natural, born intuitive who has learned to utilise the skills she was given to transform lives. She has an incredible gift whereby she has become a master question asker, that leads you to recognise your own talents, dreams and the legacy you wish to leave on the World.
She believes everybody is walking around with a gift buried deep in their heart space. The path she guides you through will very quickly have you dropping from your head, in to your heart space and unlocking your true, unlimited potential.
Lucy is on a mission to unlock the human race from the shackles they have applied to themselves over the years from pre-conditioned beliefs and societies rulings. By the end of 2022, Lucy is looking to have held space for over 1 million people Globally to go on the journey from their heads, to their hearts.
Elyse's music is not just one specific genre musical style, but an eclectic mix of different styles from pop and dance to soulful house. She also share’s digital frequency tone music too!.
Elyse enjoy’s writing empowering positive song lyrics, that motivate you to be the best version of you and transform your soul.
Who knew that pop music could be so healing?
Her mission is to ‘raise the planets frequency to LOVE through positive music’
Nowadays, Elyse enjoy’s eating and drinking healthy (she is passionate about nutrition) reading good books, and nice walks in nature with her other half David.
So as you listen to Elyse music, sit back, relax and enjoy!
With Love Energy
Ian Welch is a Master Healer for over 41 years. His forthright approach and powerful affirmations have been a massive hit on the show, and we are all very excited to see him live!
Mark is a lifelong spiritual truth-seeker, entrepreneur, author and free sovereign human that entered this dimension in Northamptonshire, England, in the late 1960s.
His path has involved resigning from the RAF whilst under training as a pilot in 1989 when he first realised there was something very wrong with our system and started to awaken from my deeply brainwashed state. He studied Economics for 5 years where nobody even once mentioned the fractional reserve banking system (the pivotal tool of our enslavement) to me!
This led on to a colourful life which involved spending time as a poet, a stand-up comic, theatre company actor, producer, director and writer, a journalist, a digital marketing entrepreneur, author, publisher and teacher.
He is also father to five amazing children and has lived in four countries (so far).
During his own long dark night of the soul, where God beat him repeatedly around the face with a big wet fish until he finally started listening, he was guided to create this show and move past the fear of ridicule by publicly sharing his truth, his adventures and finding other people that know more than him about things we all need to know. Thank you for being here. We’ve got this.